Want to read more about the Salem Witch Trials? Although the trials aren’t as widely covered as other history topics, many articles about the trials have been published over the years.
In addition, there also many websites about the Salem Witch Trials as well as general history sites that discuss the trials in depth.
The following is a collection of articles about the Salem Witch Trials from various magazines, websites, newspapers and blogs:
Archeaology Magazine:
Archeaology Magazine is a magazine about archaeology and has an article about a historic Salem Witch Trials site.
Salem’s Lost Gallows by Samir S. Patel archaeology.org/issues/241-features/top10/5120-salem-witch-trials-gallows
Encyclopedia Britannica:
EncyclopediaBritannica.com is a website about various topics that can be found in the print edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Salem Witch Trials by Jeff Wallenfeldt britannica.com/event/Salem-witch-trials
Salem Witch Trials Quiz britannica.com/quiz/salem-witch-trials
How Rye Bread Might Have Caused the Salem Witch Trials by Kate Lohnes britannica.com/story/how-rye-bread-may-have-caused-the-salem-witch-trials
Essex Institute Historical Collections:
The Essex Institute Historical Collections are a series of journals, family genealogies, histories, and other miscellaneous records published in numerous volumes by the Essex Institute.
Where the Salem Witches Were Hanged by Sidney Perley, Vol. 57, No. 1, Jan. 1921, pp. 1-18 https://books.google.com/books?id=B1QMAAAAYAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=Where%20the%20Salem%20Witches%20Were%20Hanged%20by%20Sidney%20Perley%2C%20essex%20institute%20collection&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q&f=false
History of Massachusetts Blog:
The History of Massachusetts Blog is a website about the history of the Massachusetts and features over 50 articles about the trials.
History of the Salem Witch Trials by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
Timeline of the Salem Witch Trials by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
Salem Witch Trials: Primary Sources by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
Salem Witch Trials Memorial by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
The Salem Witch Trials Victims: Who Were They? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
What Options Did an Accused Witch Have in Salem? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
Salem Witch Trials Movies & T.V. Shows by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
Best Books About the Salem Witch Trials by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks
The Accused Witches of Gloucester by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-accused-witches-of-gloucester/
What is spectral evidence? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/spectral-evidence/
Animals in the Salem Witch Trials by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/animals-in-the-salem-witch-trials/
Gallows Hill in Salem, Mass by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/where-is-the-real-gallows-hill/
What Caused the Salem Witch Trials? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/salem-witch-trials-causes/
Proctor’s Ledge Memorial by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/proctors-ledge-memorial/
Where Is John Proctor’s Grave? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-proctor-grave/
John Proctor House by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-proctor-house/
Salem Witch Trials: Historical Sites by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/where-did-salem-witch-trials-take-place/
The Salem Witch Trials Judges by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/salem-witch-trials-judges/
Reverend Samuel Parris: Was He to Blame for the Salem Witch Trials? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/reverend-samuel-parris/
Betty Parris: First Afflicted Girl of the Salem Witch Trials by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/betty-parris-first-afflicted-girl-of-the-salem-witch-trials/
Salem Witch Trials Quiz historyofmassachusetts.org/puzzles-games/salem-witch-trials-quiz/
Salem Witch Trials Word Search historyofmassachusetts.org/puzzles-games/salem-witch-trials-word-search/
The Witchcraft Trials of Margaret Scott by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/margaret-scott-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Wilmot Redd by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/wilmot-redd-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Ann Pudeator by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/ann-pudeator-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Mary Parker by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/mary-parker-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Sarah Wildes by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/sarah-wildes/
The Witchcraft Trial of Alice Parker by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/alice-parker-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Martha Carrier by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/martha-carrier-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Samuel Wardwell by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/samuel-wardwell-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Reverend George Burroughs by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/reverend-george-burroughs-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of George Jacobs Sr by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/george-jacobs-sr-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of John Willard by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-willard-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Mary Easty by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/mary-easty-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Elizabeth Howe by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/elizabeth-howe-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Martha Corey by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/martha-corey/
The Witchcraft Trial of Elizabeth Proctor by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/elizabeth-proctor/
The Witchcraft Trial of Mary Warren by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/mary-warren/
The Witchcraft Trial of Rebecca Nurse by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-trial-of-rebecca-nurse/
Tituba: The Slave of Salem by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/tituba-the-slave-of-salem/
The Witchcraft Trial of Susannah Martin by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/susannah-martin-accused-witch-from-salisbury/
The Witchcraft Trial of John Proctor by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-proctor-first-male-accused-witch/
The Witchcraft Trial of Sarah Good by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/sarah-good-accused-witch/
The Witchcraft Trial of Giles Corey by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-curse-of-giles-corey/
The Witchcraft Trial of Bridget Bishop by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks /historyofmassachusetts.org/bridget-bishop-witch-or-easy-target/
John Alden’s Account of His Witch Trial by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-aldens-account-of-his-witch-trial-examination/
Roger Toothaker and Family: Witches or Witch Killers? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-toothaker-family-witches-or-witch-killers/
John Hawthorne: Salem Witch Judges by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-hathorne-the-salem-witch-judge/
Jonathan Corwin: Salem Witch Judge by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/jonathan-corwin-salem-witch-judge/
Thomas Putnam: Ringleader of the Salem Witch Hunt? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/thomas-putnam-ringleader-of-the-salem-witch-hunt/
Abigail Williams: Mysterious Afflicted Girl by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/abigail-williams-salem/
Ann Putnam Jr: Villain or Victim by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/ann-putnam-jr/
Mercy Lewis: Orphaned Afflicted Girl by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/mercy-lewis/
Reverend John Hale of Beverly by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/reverend-john-hale-of-beverly/
The Petition to Free Rebecca Nurse by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-petition-to-free-rebecca-nurse/
The Salem Witch House: Tour Review by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/the-salem-witch-house-review/
The Salem Witch Museum: Review by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/salem-witch-museum-review/
Salem Witch Museum: Coupons and Discount Tickets by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/salem-witch-museum-coupons-discount-tickets/
Gallows Hills in Salem, Mass by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/where-is-the-real-gallows-hill/
Rare Salem Witch Trials Document Sold for $26,000 by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/rare-salem-witch-trial-document-sold-for-26000/
Where Is John Proctor’s Grave? by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-proctor-grave/
John Proctor House by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/john-proctor-house/
The Rebecca Nurse Homestead by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks historyofmassachusetts.org/rebecca-nurse-homestead/
History.com is a website about history and features a handful of articles about the trials.
The Salem Witch Trials history.com/topics/colonial-america/salem-witch-trials
5 Notable Women Hanged in the Salem Witch Trials by Sarah Pruitt history.com/news/notable-women-executed-salem-witch-trials
Were Witches Burned at the Stake during the Salem Witch Trials? history.com/news/were-witches-burned-at-the-stake-during-the-salem-witch-trials
First Salem Witch Hanging history.com/this-day-in-history/first-salem-witch-hanging
Read the Document that Condemned a Woman to Death in the Salem Witch Trials by Sarah Pruitt history.com/news/read-the-document-that-condemned-a-woman-to-death-in-the-salem-witch-trials
Salem Witch Hunt Begins history.com/this-day-in-history/salem-witch-hunt-begins
Historical Marker Database:
The Historical Marker Database is a website that features photos and information about historical markers across the United States and includes a number of historical markers about sites related to the trials.
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial hmdb.org/m.asp?m=85901
The Church in Salem Village hmdb.org/m.asp?m=48723
Salem Village Parsonage hmdb.org/m.asp?m=48720
Samuel Parris Archaeological Site hmdb.org/m.asp?m=48719
Salem Village Witchcraft Victims’ Memorial hmdb.org/m.asp?m=48725
Salem Village Meeting House hmdb.org/m.asp?m=48726
Rebecca Nurse Homestead hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=48724
Historic Ipswich:
Historic Ipswich is a website about the history of Ipswich, Massachusetts and includes an article about people from Ipswich who were involved in the trials.
Ipswich and the Salem Witch Trials by Thomas Franklin Waters historicipswich.org/2015/03/25/ipswich-and-the-salem-witchcraft-trials/
Journal of Economic Perspectives:
The Journal of Economic Perspectives is an academic journal about economic issues and includes an article about the Salem Witch Trials.
Witchcraft, Weather and Economic Growth in Renaissance Europe by Emily Oster Vol. 18, No. 1, Winter 2004, pp. 215-228 jstor.org/stable/3216882?mag=caused-salem-witch-trials&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents
Marilynne K. Roach:
Marilynnekroach.com is a website about the history writer Marilyne K. Roach, who wrote a book titled The Salem Witch Trials: A Day By Day Chronicle of a Community Under Siege, and it features an article about the trials.
About the Salem Witch Trials marilynnekroach.com/FAQs.htm
Mass.gov is a website about the state government of Massachusetts and has an article about a Salem Witch Trials law passed in 1957.
Resolves 1957 mass.gov/files/documents/2016/08/sb/res1957-145.pdf
New England Historical Society:
The New England Historical Society’s website is about the history of New England and features a handful of articles about the trials.
A Sad Condition: Wilmot Redd and the Salem Witch Trials newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/sad-condition-wilmot-redd-salem-witch-trials/
Samuel Sewall Takes the Blame and Shame for the Salem Witch Trials newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/samuel-sewall-takes-blame-shame-salem-witchcraft-trial/
How the Witchcraft Trials of Susannah Martin Lasted Nearly 25 Years newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/susannah-martins-witchcraft-trials-lasted-nearly-25-years/
The Candlemas Massacre and the Salem Witch Trials newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/candlemas-massacre-salem-witch-trials/
New England Witchcraft Trials: It Wasn’t Just Salem newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/new-england-witchcraft-trials-it-wasnt-just-salem/
The Deadly Rules of Massachusetts’ Court of Oyer and Terminer newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/rules-massachusetts-court-of-oyer-and-terminer/
The Salem Witch Trials, or Still Raking It In After All These Years
New England Magazine:
New England Magazine is a magazine about New England that was published in the 19th century.
Stories of Salem Witchcraft V. The Story of Rebecca Nurse by Winfield S. Nevins, September 1891 – February 1892, New England Magazine Corporation, pp: 717 https://books.google.com/books?id=TbUVAAAAYAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=New%20England%20Magazine%20September%201891%20%20February%201892&pg=PA717#v=onepage&q&f=false
Stories of Salem Witchcraft XI. Willard, How and Carrier by Winfield S. Nevins, vol. 12, March-Aug. 1892, pp: 217-229 https://books.google.com/books?id=bKlJAQAAMAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=New%20England%20Magazine%2C%20vol.%2012%2C%20March-Aug.%201892&pg=PA217#v=onepage&q&f=false
New England Quarterly:
New England Quarterly is an academic journal about New England’s cultural, literary, political, and social history.
Here Are No Newters: Witchcraft and Religious Discord in Salem Village and Andove by Richard Latner, vol. 79, no. 1, 2006, pp. 92–122 jstor.org/stable/20474413.
New Yorker:
The New Yorker is a national magazine that has published a few articles about the trials.
Inside the Salem Witch Trials by Stacy Schiff newyorker.com/magazine/2015/09/07/the-witches-of-salem
Why I Wrote the Crucible by Arthur Miller
Poor Ann! by Daniel Lang newyorker.com/magazine/1954/09/11/poor-ann
New York Times:
The New York Times is a national newspaper that has published a handful of articles about the trials.
Salem Remembers 300 Years Later by Marialisa Calta nytimes.com/1992/05/10/travel/salem-remembers-300-years-later.html
Television; The Witches of Salem Get a New Hearing by Fox Butterfield nytimes.com/1984/10/28/arts/television-the-witches-of-salem-get-a-new-hearing.html
The Demons of Salem; With Us Still by Victor Navasky nytimes.com/1996/09/08/movies/the-demons-of-salem-with-us-still.html
Massachusetts Clears 5 from Salem Witch Trials nytimes.com/2001/11/02/us/massachusetts-clears-5-from-salem-witch-trials.html
The Salem Witch Trials – A Study in Mass Hysteria by Esther Forbes nytimes.com/1949/08/21/archives/the-salem-witch-trialsa-study-in-mass-hysteria-the-devil-in.html
Researchers Confirm Exact Site of Hangings from 1692 Salem Witch Trials by the Associated Press nytimes.com/2016/01/17/us/researchers-confirm-exact-site-of-hangings-from-1692-salem-witch-trials.html
The Crucible; Arthur Miller’s Dramatization of the Salem Witch Trials in 1692 by Brooks Atkinson nytimes.com/1953/02/01/archives/the-crucible-arthur-millers-dramatization-of-the-salem-witch-trial.html
New Study Backs Thesis on Witches by Sullivan Walter nytimes.com/1982/08/29/us/new-study-backs-thesis-on-witches.html
Official Blog of the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries:
The Official Blog of the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Library is a website about Massachusetts laws and includes an article about the trials.
The Salem Witchcraft Trials blog.mass.gov/masslawlib/legal-history/the-salem-witchcraft-trials/
Witchcraft Law up the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 blog.mass.gov/masslawlib/civil-procedure/witchcraft-law-up-to-the-salem-witchraft-trials-of-1692/
The OUPblog is about the books published by the Oxford University Press and includes a handful of articles about the trials.
The Salem Witch Trials [infographic] by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2014/10/salem-witch-trials-infographic/
Winter, weather, and witchcraft by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2015/03/winter-weather-witchcraft-history/
George Burroughs: Salem’s Perfect Witch by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2014/08/george-burroughs-salems-perfect-witch/
Why were the Salem Witch Trials so significant? by Cassandra Gill blog.oup.com/2016/11/salem-witch-trials-significance/
Pressing Giles Cory by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2015/10/death-giles-cory/
The Salem Witch Trial judges: “persons of the best prudence”? by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2015/05/salem-witch-trial-judges/
Caught in Satan’s Storm by Emerson W. Baker
Bridget Bishop: first victim of Salem’s Gallows Hill by Emerson W. Baker blog.oup.com/2015/06/bridget-bishop-first-victim-salem-witch-trials/
The Greatest Witch-Hunt of All Time by Emerson W. Baker
Reader’s Digest:
Reader’s Digest is a literary magazine that features an article about the trials.
10 Things to Stop Believing About the Salem Witch Trials by Tylor Markarian rd.com/culture/salem-witch-trials/
Salem Web:
Salem Web is a website about tourism in Salem and features a few articles about the trials.
The Salem Witch Trials salemweb.com/guide/witches.php
Salem Witch Trials Chronology of Events salemweb.com/memorial/chronology.php
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial salemweb.com/memorial/memorial.php
The Salem Witch Trials Memorial Stones salemweb.com/memorial/
Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project:
The Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project is a website about the Salem Witch Trials and features transcripts and images of all of the original Salem Witch Trials court documents as well as a few articles.
Witchcraft in Salem Village salem.lib.virginia.edu/Witch.html
Ask the Archivist salem.lib.virginia.edu/archivist.html
The Devil Hath Been Raised by Richard Trask salem.lib.virginia.edu/introTraskBook.html
Salem Village Witchcraft Victims’ Memorial at Danvers salem.lib.virginia.edu/Commemoration.html
Salem Witch Museum:
The Salem Witch Museum website is primarily about the museum but also has a handful of articles about the trials.
Witch Trials Self-Guided Tour salemwitchmuseum.com/witch-trials-self-guided-tour/
The home of Alice Parker salemwitchmuseum.com/locations/alice-parker-home-site-of/
Site of the Salem Courthouse in 1692 salemwitchmuseum.com/sitestour/salem/salem-courthouse-site
The home of Ann Pudeator salemwitchmuseum.com/locations/ann-pudeator-home-site-of/
Elie Wiesel’s Salem Witch Trials Memorial Dedication Speech, 1992 salemwitchmuseum.com/2017/07/20/elie-wiesels-salem-witch-trials-memorial-dedication-speech-1992/
Chronology of the 1692 Salem Witch Trials salemwitchmuseum.com/2013/06/11/chronology-of-the-1692-salem-witch-trials/
Sarah Hood Bassett 1657-1721 salemwitchmuseum.com/2013/05/08/sarah-hood-bassett-1657-1721/
Martha Carrier: Traitor’s Wife salemwitchmuseum.com/2012/08/16/martha-carrier-traitors-wife/
What Happened to Abigail Williams? salemwitchmuseum.com/2012/01/16/what-happened-to-abigail-williams/
John Proctor salemwitchmuseum.com/2011/08/19/john-proctor/
George Jacobs Sr salemwitchmuseum.com/2011/08/18/george-jacobs-sr/
Nathaniel Felton Sr and Jr Houses salemwitchmuseum.com/locations/nathaniel-felton-sr-and-jr-houses/
Spectral Evidence salemwitchmuseum.com/2013/02/15/spectral-evidence/
Science Journal:
Science is an academic journal that published an article about ergot and the Salem Witch Trials in the 1970s.
Ergotism and the Salem Witch Trials by Nicholas P. Spanos and Jack Gottlieb, 24 Dec. 1976, Vol. 194, Issue 4272, pp. 1390-1394 people.umass.edu/dcooley/FYS_articles/Spanos%20&%20Gottlieb%20Salem%20rebuttal%20Science%2076.pdf
Smithsonian Magazine:
Smithsonian magazine is a national magazine about topics and subject matters researched, studied, and exhibited by the Smithsonian museums.
A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials by Jess Blumberg smithsonianmag.com/history/a-brief-history-of-the-salem-witch-trials-175162489/
The Site of the Salem Witch Trials Hangings Finally Has a Memorial by Christine Woodside smithsonianmag.com/history/site-salem-witch-trial-hangings-finally-has-memorial-180964049/
Unraveling the Many Mysteries of Tituba, the Star Witness of the Salem Witch Trials by Stacy Schiff smithsonianmag.com/history/unraveling-mysteries-tituba-salem-witch-trials-180956960/
Streets of Salem:
The Streets of Salem is a blog about Salem history that has an article about Salem Witch Trials victim Ann Pudeator.
The Pardoning of Ann Pudeator streetsofsalem.com/2015/09/22/the-pardoning-of-ann-pudeator/
UVA Today:
The UVA is website about the University of Virginia and has an article about the university’s role in identifying Proctor’s Ledge as the site of the Salem Witch Trials execution.
With UVA’s help, Salem Finally Discovers Where Its Witches Were Executed by Caroline Newman news.virginia.edu/content/uvas-help-salem-finally-discovers-where-its-witches-were-executed
Washington Post:
The Washington Post is a national newspaper that has published a handful of articles about the trials.
Five Myths About the Salem Witch Trials by Stacy Schiff washingtonpost.com/opinions/five-myths-about-the-salem-witch-trials/2016/10/27/62abd0cc-9ad1-11e6-9980-50913d68eacb_story.html
What the Salem Witch Trials Can Teach Us About the Way We Treat Women Today by Connie Hassett-Walker washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/06/10/what-the-salem-witches-can-teach-us-about-how-we-treat-women-today/
The Site Where the Salem “Witches” Were Executed is Now Next to a Walgreens by Sarah Kaplan washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/01/14/the-site-where-salems-witches-were-executed-is-now-next-to-a-walgreens/
A Salem Witch Trials Refugee Settled Here – Where A Home is Selling for Nearly $1 Million Alex Horton washingtonpost.com/history/2018/12/17/salem-witch-trials-refugee-settled-here-where-home-is-selling-nearly-million/
Five Myths About Witch Hunts by Richard L. Sjoberg washingtonpost.com/outlook/five-myths/five-myths-about-witch-hunts/2019/01/09/40f85b20-0d0d-11e9-8938-5898adc28fa2_story.html
Witches of Massachusetts Bay:
The Witches of Massachusetts Bay is a website about the Salem Witch Trials and features many lists and facts about the trials as well as a handful of articles.
Timeline for Salem witch hunts witchesmassbay.com/research/timeline-for-salem-witch-hunts/
Where did accused witch Bridget Bishop live? witchesmassbay.com/2018/07/15/where-did-accused-witch-bridget-bishop-live/
Misconceptions about the 1692 Salem witch hunt by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/09/14/misconceptions-about-the-1692-salem-witch-hunt/
Outcast: Eunice Cole of Hampton by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2020/01/20/eunice-cole-hampton-nh/
Who Was Accused Witch John Howard by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2019/04/22/who-was-accused-witch-john-howard/
Tituba, Indian Servant of Mr. Samuel Parris by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2019/03/01/tituba-indian-servant-of-mr-samuel-parris/
Unwavering: The Testament of John Proctor by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2019/03/01/tituba-indian-servant-of-mr-samuel-parris/
Giles and Martha Corey at Crystal Lake by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/12/12/giles-and-martha-corey-at-crystal-lake/
The House Where Witchcraft Started by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/08/25/the-house-where-witchcraft-started/
Where Did Accused Witch Bridget Bishop Live by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/07/15/where-did-accused-witch-bridget-bishop-live/
Why Not Ergot and the Salem Witch Trials by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/04/23/ergot/
Switching Sides: Tony Fels Takes on the classic Salem witch hunt books by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/04/19/switching-sides-tony-fels-takes-on-the-classic-salem-witch-hunt-books/
The Salem Witch Trials and the Body of Liberties laws by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/03/14/the-salem-witch-trials-and-the-body-of-liberties-laws/
Bernard Rosenthal: Lessons Learned from the Salem Witch Trials by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/03/01/bernard-rosenthal-lessons-learn-salem-witch-hunt/
No Memento Mori for Mary by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/02/13/no-memento-mori-mary/
Treasures of the Court House by Robin Mason witchesmassbay.com/2018/01/29/treasures-court-house/
Q&A with Juliet Mofford on Abigail Accused: A Story of the Salem Witch Hunt witchesmassbay.com/2018/01/18/qa-juliet-mofford-abigail-accused/
Salem: The perils of denial in an age of preservation witchesmassbay.com/2018/01/08/salem-perils-denial-age-preservation/
Which Bishop? The one that got away witchesmassbay.com/2017/12/17/bishop-one-got-away/
Family Connections witchesmassbay.com/research/family-connections/
Salem Witch Trials Roadtrips witchesmassbay.com/roadtrips/
Research witchesmassbay.com/research/
191st General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
The 191 General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a website about the Massachusetts General Court and has an article about a law related the Salem Witch Trials that the court passed in 2001.
An Act Relative to the Witchcraft Trial of 1692 malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2001/Chapter122
If you want to read more about the topic, there are also many books about the Salem Witch Trials and a handful of primary sources on the trials.