Boston Light: First Lighthouse in America

Boston Light is a historic lighthouse in Boston Harbor. The lighthouse was built in 1716, making it the first lighthouse in America. The lighthouse has since been rebuilt and is now an 89-foot-tall, conical-shaped lighthouse made out of rubble stone with brick lining.

The following is a timeline of the history of Boston Light:


  • Construction begins on the Boston Light on Little Brewster Island in Boston Harbor.


  • On September 14, Boston Light is lit for the first time and is illuminated using tallow candles.
  • George Worthylake is the first lighthouse keeper at Boston Light.


  • On November 3, George Worthylake and his family are returning to Little Brewster Island after attending a sermon in Boston when their canoe capsizes and everyone drowns. Worthylake is the first lighthouse keeper to die in the line of duty.
  • On November 14, Robert Saunders, John Chamberlin, and a man named Bradduck are hired to maintain Boston Light until a replacement light-keeper can be appointed but Chamberlin and Bradduck both drown due to the choppy seas they encountered on their way to the island.
  • A 13-year-old Benjamin Franklin immortalizes the tragedies in a poem titled The Lighthouse Tragedy.


  • A cannon is placed next the lighthouse to use as a fog horn, making it the first fog horn in America.
  • Captain John Haye becomes the second keeper of the lighthouse.
A ship called the Morning Star carrying missionaries past Boston Light


  • A fire caused by the oil lamps damages the interior of the lighthouse, causing cracks in the masonry walls, but it is repaired and put back into service.


  • A storm further damages the masonry walls of the lighthouse.


  • Extensive repairs are made to the exterior walls of the lighthouse.


  • Robert Ball replaces Haye as lighthouse keeper.


  • The lighthouse is repainted white with black trim.


  • Another fire damages the lighthouse so badly only the walls remain. A temporary light is built on a pole until repairs can be made to the lighthouse.



  • In early July, an American raiding party set the lighthouse on fire during the Siege of Boston.
  • On July 31, a 300-man raiding party, under orders from General Washington, storm Little Brewster Island and set fire to the lighthouse again.


  • On March 17, as British forces are evacuating from Boston they set off a powder keg in the lighthouse which destroys the top section of the tower and renders the lighthouse unusable to the Americans. The lighthouse is abandoned as a result.


  • John Hancock, the Governor of Massachusetts, addresses the Senate and the House of Representatives and states that without a lighthouse, a successful shipping industry is not possible in Boston.


  • The Massachusetts legislatures authorizes the reconstruction of Boston Light.
  • The lighthouse is rebuilt using the original plans from 1716 and the remaining sections of the old lighthouse are incorporated into the new lighthouse.
  • The newly rebuilt lighthouse is illuminated using fish oil lamps.


  • A total of 16 oil lamps are used to illuminate Boston Light.


  • Boston Light is ceded to the Federal government as a result of the Lighthouses Act and is operated by the U.S. Lighthouse Service.


  • Dangerous cracks are discovered in the structure of the lighthouse and six heavy iron bands are placed around the lighthouse to strengthen it.


  • The lighthouse’s oil lamps are replaced with Argand lamps, an improved oil-burning system that uses a hollow circular wick in a glass chimney that is mounted on a revolving base.


  • During the War of 1812, Boston Light is dimmed to reduce its usefulness to enemy ships.


  • The lighthouse is illuminated using a chandelier with 14 lamps and reflectors.


  • An iron spiral staircase, a cast iron balcony, iron window frames and an iron door are constructed in the lighthouse.


  • The Argand lamps are replaced with a Fresnel lens, a massive 11-foot-tall lens made from hundreds of sparkling glass prisms.
  • In order to accommodate the new lens, the lighthouse is renovated and its height is increased from 75 feet to 89 feet.


  • The keeper’s dwelling is built on the island.


  • During WWI, Boston Light is dimmed to reduce its usefulness to enemy ships.
Boston Light on Little Brewster Island in Boston Harbor circa 1906


  • The keepers are Captain Hart, Mr. Howard and Mr. Small.


  • Operations at Boston Light are transferred from the U.S. Lighthouse Service to the U.S. Coast Guard.


  • Maurice Babcock becomes the last lighthouse keeper before the Coast Guard takes control of the lighthouse.


  • Boston Light’s beam is rated at 100,000 candlepower.


  • Boston Light is electrified.


  • Boston Light is changed from a family-operated to a male-billeted station.


  • Indoor plumbing is installed in the keeper’s house.


  • A 1,500 watt bulb is installed in the Fresnel lens which is rated at 2-million candlepower and visible for 16 miles.


  • Boston light is designated a National Historic Landmark.


  • On October 15, Boston Light is added to the National Register of Historic Places.


  • The Blizzard of 78 destroys the last docking facility at the lighthouse.


  • The keeper’s dwelling is renovated.


  • Boston Light is added to the National Register of Historic Places.
A ship passing Boston Light in 1905


  • On December 12, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1989 is passed by Congress and includes a passage that orders for the Boston Light to be permanently manned, making it the only lighthouse in America to still have a lighthouse keeper.


  • On April 16, Boston Light is automated, making it the last lighthouse in the country to be automated.


  • Sally Snowman is appointed lighthouse keeper at Boston Light. She is the 70th lighthouse keeper, the first civilian keeper since 1941 and the first female lighthouse keeper at Boston Light.


  • In December, Sally Snowman retires as lighthouse keeper at Boston Light. She was the last lighthouse keeper in America.

“Boston Light.” National Park Service,
Ham, Walter. “Legacy of Light: Boston Light Marks 300th Anniversary.” U.S. Department of Defense, 14 Sept. 2016,
“Lighthouse Spotlight: Boston Light.” Boston Harbor Islands, 4 Sept. 2020,
Meyers, Catherine. “The Remarkable Lens in America’s Oldest Lighthouse Station.” American Institute of Physics, 18 Nov. 2016,
“Historic Area Detail: BOS.JA Boston Light Station.” MACRIS,

About Rebecca Beatrice Brooks

Rebecca Beatrice Brooks is the author and publisher of the History of Massachusetts Blog. Rebecca is a freelance journalist and history lover who got her start in journalism working for small-town newspapers in Massachusetts and New Hampshire after she graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.A. in journalism. Visit this site's About page to find out more about Rebecca.

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